a Discord Community Server
Connecting Server S-89 through S-96
Welcome to DRAKENBERG!
We look forward to all new members that join to become a regular in our community!!! Please familiarize yourself with the Server Rules below! Upon entry into the server, you acknowledge that you have read the full Server Rules and are liable to punishment if you have broken any rules down below.
This server was created with the hopes of becoming a cross-server community hub. A single place for merged servers to gather and build new connections, or strengthen existing ones. While it may only consist of S-89 through S-96 for now there's no telling what the future may hold. This doesn't just extend to the game ISEKAI: Slow Life but others as well. Use this server to make new friends, find that new gaming partner, someone to talk to. It's all up to you!
Please follow the channel guidelines. Off-topic chat needs to stay in off-topic-related channels.
Do not SPAM, or post nonsense. Excessive amounts of: messages (including emoticon floods), attached files, links, pings/mentions, reposting memes, etc. will get you warned, and then muted. Persistent misbehavior will lead to chat privileges revoked.
No offensive language, harassment, personal attacks, trolling, religious/political discussion, sexism, racism, hate speech or other disruptive behavior.
Attacking or harassing members through Direct Messaging will be subject to disciplinary action.
No offensive or inappropriate nicknames or profile pictures.
No NSFW (Not Safe For Work) content. Any NSFW posts (including text descriptions and images) that contain gore, partial nudity/pornography, or disturbing images will result in an automatic ban.
Please respect the fact that there could be minors in this server and act accordingly.
This server will closely follow the official game Discord rules.
Please respect each other. Rivalry in-game ≠ rivalry here